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Rhinoplasty in iran :

Rhinoplasty describes an array of operative techniques that can be used to alter the aesthetic and functional properties of the nose.  Surgical access to the nose can be gained via incisions placed inside the nose (endonasal approaches) or via incisions placed inside the nose combined with incisions placed outside the nostrils (external approach), usually on the columella. Prior to the increased popularity of the external (open) rhinoplasty approach in the last decade, the terms rhinoplasty and endonasal rhinoplasty were almost synonymous. This somewhat artificial division between external (open) and endonasal (closed) rhinoplasty has become an established part of current rhinoplasty nomenclature. Despite this, both approaches share many of the same incisions, and many of the same principles apply regardless of the approach chosen.


Rhinoplasty methods:

As mentioned above, nowadays rhinoplasty is being performed with various methods all around the world, here are these methods:

  • Open procedure:

In this procedure rhinoplasty is applied to reshape the nose. This procedure can be used to change and resize different features of the nose such as span of the nostrils, angle between nose and upper lip, tip and/or bridg of the nose. It also can be applied to correct some breathing problems. People who has problem in Sinus or Polyp area, can be treated through rhinoplasty.

This procedure must be performed by doctors specialized in ear-throat-nose field (ENT) or plastic surgery or Maxillofacial surgery. Because only these specialist has the needed expertise to perform this surgical procedure. In this method, an incision is made across the narrow strip of tissue that separates the nostrils.

  • Closed procedure:

Another method for rhinoplasty is the closed procedure. In this method the incisions are hidden inside a patient’s nose, with incision made into the nose. having access to the cartridge and bone portions of the nose, surgeon is able to perform changes that need to be made. This method is usually used to remove nose hump. It’s important to note that this procedure should only be performed on patients who aren’t dealing with polyp, sinus or any other breathing difficulties. Should patient sustained any injuries during this procedure, doctor will have to perform open rhinoplasty.

Open rhinoplasty and closed rhinoplasty surgery are different and each has its own traits, so it can’t be said for sure that one is superior to another. One of the advantages of open rhinoplasty is that it enables the surgeon to resolve nose problems easily and make various changes. But in case of closed rhinoplasty, surgeon can only remove nose hump and it might not eliminate the problem completely. Many doctors who perform rhinoplasty prefer the open procedure, unless patient is dealing with various health problems.Rhinoplasty In Iran , Rhinoplasty Cost In Iran ,Nose Job in Iran

Breast Augmentation Surgery in Iran

IVF : history of IVF in Iran

The history of IVF in Iran has been shaped by the interaction between the pioneers of IVF and an interdisciplinary group of experts, together with the endorsement and strong support of the Shia jurists.

  • 1992 – Birth of the first baby following retrograde ejaculation using intrauterine insemination (IUI) first started in 1989 in Aban Hospital by Dr. Jalil Pakravesh (personal communication).

  • 1994 – Birth of the first baby resulting from intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and the birth of the first baby through egg donation carried out in Yazd by Dr. Mohmmad-Hossein Amir Arjomand (personal communication).

  • 1996/97–Use of ICSI + percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration (PESA) resulting in the birth of a baby at Shariati Hospital, Tehran, carried out by Dr. Hojat-Allah Saeedi (personal communication).

  • 1998–First case of transferring an embryo produced from testicular spermatozoon by microinjection carried out by Dr. Akhondi (the author).

  • 2004–Birth of the first baby born following pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) Royan Institute, Tehran, carried out by Dr. Leila Karimian (personal communication).

Indeed, the use of IVF in a range of contexts such as PGD(more…) (as a preventive measure for diseases with a genetic basis or for selection); sperm, egg and embryo donation; surrogacy; fertility preservation; and animal conservation (freezing of egg, sperm and embryo), are commonplace in Iran.


Get Your Dental Implant in Iran

Hair transplant in Iran

When compared with other countries I can say that Iran would be one of the best destinations in terms of hair transplant surgery.

You Can Have your Hair Back at Affordable Prices

Hair transplant operations are rather affordable in comparison to other countries. In Europe and in USA, you need a budget of $7000 – $25000 (depending on several factors), and yet in Iran, you need a budget around 1000$ for your hair transplant operation.

No Need to Wait for an Appointment

In many other countries, because of the lack of hair transplant surgery teams, you need to wait for long periods to make an appointment for your hair transplant, and schedule your hair transplant for a later date. In Iran, you can make an appointment for your hair transplant for an approaching date, and have your hair back very soon. Hair Transplant


You Can Enjoy Being in a Fun City as a Tourist

  • Tehran has many historical, cultural, and social attractions.

  • You can enjoy new tastes from one of the richest cuisines in the world.

  • We believe you will want to visit Iran again


Many people each year travel to Iran for hair transplantation. Based on the reports, Iran is changing to one of the leading countries for this popular surgery. But what makes it so popular to have a hair transplant in Iran?

Actually, the main reasons to choose hair transplant in Iran are two factors: low-cost hair transplant and high-quality operations and surgeons. Breast Prosthesis

Which Iran City to choose for hair transplant in Iran?

As mentioned before, most big cities in Iran have this cosmetic surgery, such as Tehran, Isfahan, Shiraz, Yazd, and Mashhad. But Tehran has always considered the poles of surgeries in Iran, with its professional doctors. Many patients from countries around Iran, Arabian countries and all over the world visit this city each year to do their hair transplant in Iran.

Many of these visitors decide to have touristic fun after their surgery. So after resting, they choose an Iran tour and visit any places they like in Iran. If you are one of them, just take a look at our Service(more…).

Now that you know all you need about hair transplant in Iran, you can ask us to connect you with the best surgeons in Iran. If you have any requests, questions or suggestions, please feel free quote to contact us.

Travel to Iran with peace of mind and have your hair transplant here.


Rhinoplasty in Iran

As the rates change so soon these days and get cheaper for you, you have to contact us to get informed about the day prices of currency and thus, hair transplant cost. So please feel free quote to contact our Iran travel agent. We are always ready to answer you.

Hair loss in men almost always is due to androgenic pattern baldness, which is usually referred to as male pattern baldness. Although the exact cause of pattern balding is unclear, the trait is transmitted by means of a polygenic type of inheritance.

In women, most hair loss is also genetic, although women have an increased incidence of hair loss caused by medical conditions, such as hormonal imbalance, trichotillomania, and post-stress telogen effluvium. Interestingly, even with androgenic alopecia in women, there appears to be an additional inflammatory contribution to hair loss, as scalp biopsies often reveal a localization of lymphocytic folliculitis around the stem-cell–containing bulge region of the hair follicle.  As with male pattern baldness, female pattern androgenic hair loss is progressive. Breast Prosthesis

Nearly all men and most women who have androgenic or inherited pattern baldness can be treated with hair transplantation. As in all other elective cosmetic surgeries, the most important patient selection criterion in hair transplantation is the individual’s motivation. Results of hair transplantation are usually most dramatic when the procedure is performed on individuals with advanced degrees of hair loss. In general, the greater the degree of hair loss, the larger the number of grafts transplanted.

Hair transplantation may not be the most effective therapy for some medical causes of hair loss; in some instances, it exacerbates the condition. Therefore, workup to rule out other treatable causes of hair loss is important, especially in women, in whom nongenetic etiologies for the hair loss are more common than in men. 

In addition to male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness, a variety of conditions can be successfully treated with hair transplantation. Scarring of the scalp due to trauma or surgery and hair loss due to traction (seen with the extended wearing of hair pieces or trichotillomania) can be repaired with hair transplantation. Finally, hair transplantation can be successfully used to restore hair to the eyebrows; eyelashes; beard, mustache, or goatee area; and even to areas of the body, such as the pubis or chest. 

When do the celebrities get hair transplant?

 Hair transplant destroy the spell of baldness. From the beginning of the humanity, baldness is a real concern of many men. Even some men scare hair loss more than death! Nowadays, there is no certain permanent hair loss preventive method, despite impressive progress in medical science and technologies. Medications like Minoxidil or Rogaine treat just a type of hair loss temporarily.

Fortunately, there is a permanent less invasive solution to treat hair loss which is getting Hair Transplant. In hair transplant procedure, a bundle of hair follicles will be removed from a part of your body, which is called “donor site” and transfer to another part of your scalp or beard or eyebrow, which is called recipient site. If the doctor performs the procedure of hair transplant properly with modern techniques, the reason appears more natural, so any one could not recognize your previous hair transplant.

Now, Let us take a look to the history of hair transplant of celebrities.

When did the Oscar winner get hair transplant?

Did you know Matthew McConaughey, 2014 Oscar winner, had got hair transplant?

An important point influencing the hair transplant results is getting hair transplant at an early stage of hair loss.

At early stages of hair loss, the doctor could fulfill your dream of cessation of hair loss and transplant hairs to the bald fields. So you will not experience baldness in your life and others believe that you do not face with hair loss.

Matthew McConaughey is a handsome artist who got hair transplant at a proper age. His hair loss start in 2000 but he vanish his hair loss by getting hair transplant.

What is the suitable age to get a hair transplant?

DHT (dihydrotestosterone) is an androgen hormone that contributes to the development of male characteristics like scalp hair loss.

Sylvester Stallone has high levels of DHT, the same as other men. Sylvester Stallone care his style so when he realize that his hair is getting thinner, he decided to get hair transplant to treat his reduced hair density and front hair line.

When you make your decision to get hair transplant, you expect your doctor to operate a natural-look hair transplant, not a fake one.

Therefore, if you notice Sylvester Stallone’s pictures at different time periods, you will find that his front hair line is lower at 1980 compared with the present time.

جراحة تجميل الأنف



يشدد أنصار تجميل الأنف الداخلي على المزايا التالية:

·         عدم الحاجة إلى شقوق جراحية كبيرة

·         انخفاض إمكانات تقليل استحكام راس الانف

·         انخفاض تورم ما بعد الجراحة

·         التقليل الملحوظ من التندب بعد العملية او مشكلات الانف بسبب العملية

·         القدرة على إجراء تغييرات شديدة في الموقع

·         الاحساس بالتغيير المتوقع الفوري و السريع للانف

·         القدرة على إجراء تحسينات هادفة دون تشويه الانف

·         وقت العملية أقصر

·         انخفاض في مدة الاستشفاء ، خاصة عند مرضى كبار السن

·         القضاء على أي خطر (مهما كان ضئيلا) لظهور ندبة الكولوميل الخارجية المرئية

·         انخفاض تورم ما بعد الجراحة

·         الحصول اسرع على مظهر طبيعي


ويستطيع الجراح المتمرس في جراحة تجميل الأنف استخدام الأسلوب الداخلي أو  الخارجي بناءً على مؤشرات المريض لتجميل الأنف.

يبحث معظم المرضى عن جراحة تجميل الأنف لتحسين الجانب الجمالي للأنف. قد يختار آخرون إجراء جراحة تجميل الأنف لإجراء تحسين في وظيفة مجرى التنفس الأنفي. في معظم الأحيان ، تتم معالجة كلا من الدواعي التجميلية والوظيفية أثناء عملية تجميل الأنف.

وتشمل المؤشرات (1) التشوه الجمالي ، (2) طلب المريض لتغيير في شكل الأنف ، و (3) تحسين انسداد مجرى الهواء الذي منشاه الانف.

يمكن أن تكون مسببات التشوه الأنفي (1) وراثية / عائلية (على سبيل المثال ، كتلة خلفية كبيرة) ، (2) صدمة (على سبيل المثال ، بعد حادث سيارة) ، (3) علاجي المنشأ (على سبيل المثال ، نتيجة غير مناسبة من عملية تجميل الأنف السابقة) ، أو ( 4) خلقي (على سبيل المثال ، شق في الانف و الحلق).

Why Rhinoplasty in Iran?

We have the best plastic surgeons in Iran who are highly efficient and have high experience in cosmetic surgery. We are therefore ready to meet all medical needs in Iran for foreign customers from all over the world with free medical consultation service. The rhinoplasty surgeons in Iran is characterized by having excellent experience and excellence in the field of surgery and beauty and the doctor and medical staff to give the patient the beautiful natural appearance.

Examples of Rhinoplasty Before and After Photos in Iran


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